Retirement Read Time: 3 min

Women and Wealth: A Pivot Towards Retirement

Retirement is a significant transition, 对于那些多年来一直专注于自己事业的女性来说,这既会带来挑战,也会带来机遇. For women approaching retirement age, 考虑各种技巧和策略以确保顺利和充实的过渡是至关重要的. 从工作生活优雅地转向个人生活需要仔细考虑. A woman retiring at 65 may live another two decades or more. That's not only a long time to finance, 弄清楚如何让你的生活充满有意义的活动也需要很长时间.1

A Change of Identity

Retirement can change a woman's identity, 尤其是那些在同一行业工作多年的人. 探索新的兴趣和寻找新的目标感可能涉及到接受一个新的工作头衔, pursuing a passion, or simply embracing new hobbies and activities. 但是,如果你开始考虑独立于你的职业之外建立一个新的“你”,你会更享受你的退休生活.

Addressing Your Finances

为退休做准备的第一步是解决财务问题. This includes reviewing your estate strategy, getting all necessary documents in order, 并为紧急情况和意外情况制定应急计划. 考虑在退休前后与财务专业人士会面,以帮助确定正在采取适当的步骤.

Pivot to a New Career

对于关心自己的储蓄或社会保障福利的女性, considering part-time work, working from home, 或者创业可以提供收入和社会互动. 在这里,你可以选择轻松地退休,同时保持活跃和参与. 美国劳工部表示,女性更有可能在退休后从事兼职工作. 许多兼职工作可能没有退休计划,因此有必要做相应的计划.1

Another option for women is volunteering. Many miss the engagement and challenge of the workforce, 志愿活动使他们能够在获得个人成就感的同时,把时间花在帮助别人上. 志愿服务可以是一种与社区保持联系的方式,同时也可以有所作为.

Now that you have the time, why not try something new? 参加学习班也是女性在退休后继续学习和成长的一种方式. 许多涵盖各种主题的课程都可以在网上或亲自授课, 让你探索新的兴趣并保持精神活跃.

Focus on Your Health

除了解决财务问题和找到保持参与的方法, women must prioritize their health in retirement. 这包括均衡饮食、定期锻炼和适当的睡眠. 但是你的整体健康不仅仅包括你的身体. Social engagement is also essential for happiness and health. 即使是天生的宅男,与他人共度时光也会产生积极的影响.

重要的是要记住,适应退休需要时间. 对于在事业上投入多年的女性来说,过渡到退休是一个重大的变化. However, with careful preparation and consideration, women can make the most of this new phase of life. By addressing financial matters, finding ways to stay engaged, prioritizing health, and exploring new interests, 女性可以把退休当作一个新的开始,享受充实而有益的经历. 退休后经历一系列情绪波动是正常的, but these feelings will likely change over time. 对自己有耐心,并理解这是一个过程,这可能有助于减轻沮丧

1., September 14, 2023

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